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Measurement Method

A) without barries

B) with barries


是由我們自行設計的輕便式防蚊窗紗, 此設計主要針對窗戶尺寸比較細小 或 不適合安裝回捲式蚊網的窗戶.

用料方面, 我們除了沿用入口阻燃纖維網外, 更選用了亦有阻燃作用的塑膠配件, 務求產品不會因天氣及氣溫的轉變影響而變形, 更見耐用.

外框顏色備有 灰白, 古銅及黑色


客戶只需依照我們提供的方法量度所需易貼網的尺寸大小後, 我們即會依照客戶要求裝配好 "易貼網" 交回客戶,

客戶可自行將 "易貼網" 貼上窗戶即可, 簡單方便, 價格廉宜.



This semi-DIY anti-mosquito screens is designed by us mainly for those small window or those windows which are not suitable for the installation of roller screens.
Other than Imported flame resistance fiberglass mesh, temperature resistance plastic material are chosen in order to avoid any affection to the quality and shape of our products by changes of weather and temperature.
Three frame colors available to match with your window :

light grey, brown and black.
Customers can measure the size of screens in accordance with the methods we provide, we will have the EASY SCREENS well assembled. Once you got our delivery, you can just easily attach the EASY SCREENS to your windows.

Now, you can immediately enjoy insects free environment with an easy and comfortable way at very good price.

(click for photo )

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